Kamis, 21 Juli 2016

Lalare Orkestra: The future of traditional music maestros

Project title: Lalare Orkestra: The future of traditional music maestros


The people of Java island’s most eastern regency Banyuwangi have always been proud with their traditional music. Aside from their rituals, from sacred trance dance to an elaborate wedding celebration, traditional music is inseparable. Traditional popular songs find their huge fans beyond the regency’s border, creating a growing music industry. In 2008, there were over 50 recording companies.

Unlike in some parts of the country which saw many traditional performing arts under threat, Banyuwangi traditional performing arts are alive and healthy. A regular music group normally consists of maximum 13 people, among others with two sets of bamboo slit drums, a set of gongs, triangle, flute, traditional violin.

The Lalare Orkestra (Children Orchestra) is a performance by 100 school children of various age from 8-13 years old, aiming to create a powerful branding for traditional music and bringing traditional music performance to the next level. The child musicians are hand-picked by music maestros who serve later as their trainers.

The 100 children from various districts in Banyuwangi enjoyed a six-month practice under supervision of traditional music maestros before performing before thousands of audience as a part of Banyuwangi Festival.

For Banyuwangi and the audience in general, it was the first time a traditional music peformance enjoyed an applause they have never seen before.

With the success of the performance, the government of Banyuwangi will make it a regular event featured on the Banyuwangi Festival which stretches almost a year long.

In 2016 Banyuwangi festival,  the member of young musicians will be doubled to 200 performers.

Impact of project:

With the rising popularity of the Lalare Orkestra, every 25 districts in Banyuwangi prepare to have their own child orchestra as they dream to perform in Banyuwangi Festival. The government is to hold a competition among children music groups annually.

Uniqueness of project:

Massive child musicians performing orchestratic


The local government of Banyuwangi regency provided all the financial backup up to Rupiah 200,000,000 ($15,384), and expecting to see the future of Banyuwangi traditional music maestros.


Roles and responsibility of person involved:

Moh. Syaiful, music trainer




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